Help Center

Common System Features

Filter by Teams Option

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Use to filter users by teams.


Step 1: Click on “Filter by Team” drop-down option.

Step 2: Select the team you wish to filter from the list.


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To refresh the system.

Search Option

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To search users based on their name & email.


Step 1: Type the name in the “Search” text box

Step 2: Click on alt text button.


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To change the layout (view) either as “Expanded”, “Compact” or “List”. By default, user status details are displayed in expanded view.


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Managers and Admin type users can export user lists and schedules of others users in CSV or Excel formats.


Step 1: Click on alt text

Step 2: Select File format. (CSV or Excel)

Step 3: Click on “Yes” to confirm the action in “Export” pop-up box.

Step 4: The exported data file will be automatically downloaded.

Search by Name Option

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To search users/ countries or tasks by names.


Step 1: Type the < Name > of field you wish to search.

Step 2: Click on magnifying alt text icon. Click on alt text icon to clear the search bar.


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To generate reports.


Step 1: Enter the report title in the below “Generate Report” window.

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Step 2: Click on alt text button.

To print the report, click on “Print” option and to close the report, click on “Close” option.