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Milestones & Events


Milestone is a significant event in a job that occurs at a point in time. Using Milestones & Events option, OPPTIMO users can schedule deliverables as milestones and also schedule upcoming events.

Adding Milestones & Events


Step 1: Main view -> Click on 'Milestones & Event' tab.

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Step 2: Click on alt text button to open ‘Create Milestones & Events’ window.

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Step 3: Select the option to specify whether the milestone and event need to attached with a specific ‘Job’ or for a specific ‘user’. By default, ‘None’ is selected.

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Step 4: Enter [Description] about milestone & event.

Step 5: Select [Severity] from the dropdown list. Default available Severity levels are Critical, Minor and Trivial.

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Step 6: Select the [Type] of the milestone & event. Users with ‘Admin’ permission can setup milestones or event types according to the requirements.

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Step 7: Setup users whom you need to share the milestone & event from [Who can see] alt text option.

To make milestone & event visible to all users, select alt text option.

To share milestone & event with selected users, click on alt text option. From the below ‘Select Users’ window, select the individual users or teams you wish to make milestone & event visible and click alt text button. To cancel, click on alt text button.

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To make the milestone & event visible ONLY for the user who created it, do not select any option (i.e. All Users or Select Users).

Step 8: Set the date & time from [Date] option as below.

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Step 9: Set the reminder in days/ hours/ or minutes in ‘Remind Me’. Once you set a reminder, the application will send a notification automatically.

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Step 10: If you need to set a recurrent reminder, click on alt text option and select [Type] & [To Date] you need to receive a reminder for the scheduled milestone & event.

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Step 11: Click on alt text button to save the milestone & event OR click on alt textbutton to cancel the operation.

Adding a Milestone & Event to a Job

You can add a milestone & event to a specific JOB by following below steps as well:

Step 1: Main View -> Jobs -> Click on ‘Add Milestone & Event’ option alt text on the selected job.

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Step 2: Enter [Description] about milestone & event.

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Step 3: Select [Severity]> from the dropdown list. Default available Severity levels are Critical, Minor and Trivial.

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Step 4: Select the [Type] of the milestone & event. Users with ‘Admin’ permission can setup milestones or event types according to the requirements.

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Step 5: Setup users whom you need to share the milestone & event from [Who can see] alt text option.

To make milestone & event visible to all users, select alt text option.

To share milestone & event with selected users, click on alt text option. From the below ‘Select Users’ window, select the individual users or teams you wish to make milestone & event visible and click alt text button. To cancel, click on alt text button.

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To make the milestone & event visible ONLY for the user who created it, do not select any option (i.e. All Users or Select Users)

Step 6: Set the date & time from [Date] option as below.

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Step 7: Set the reminder in days/ hours/ or minutes in ‘Remind Me’. Once you set a reminder, the application will send a notification automatically.

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Step 8: If you need to set a recurrent alt textreminder, click on option and select [Type] & [To Date] you need to receive a reminder for the scheduled milestone & event.

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Step 9: Click on alt text button to save the milestone & event OR click on alt text button to cancel the operation.

Adding a Reminder for the Milestone & Event


To add a reminder for a created milestone & event.


Step 1: Go to alt text tab -> Click on ‘Add Reminder’ alt text icon on the milestone & event you need to add a reminder.

Step 2: Set the time you need to get reminders from below ‘Remind Me After’ window.

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Step 3: Click on alt text button to set the reminder OR click on alt text button to cancel.

Once you set the reminder, the application will send you reminder notifications.

Change Milestone & Event Time


Using this option, you can change the time of a milestone & event which is already created.


Step 1: Go to alt text tab -> Click on ‘Change Time’ alt text icon on the milestone & event you need to change the time.

Step 2: Change the [Date] & [Time] in below ‘Change milestone & Event Time’ window. Default, current scheduled date & time will display in the ‘Change milestone & Event Time’ window.

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Step 3: Click on alt text button to save changes OR click on alt text button to cancel.

Update Status of a Milestone & Event


Using this option, you can mark the milestones or events which are ‘Completed’ or ‘Pending’.


Step 1: Go to alt text tab -> Click on ‘Update Status’ alt text icon on the milestone & event you need to change the status.

Step 2: Select the [Status] as ‘Pending’ for uncompleted milestones/ events and select ‘Completed’ for concluded milestones/ events.

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Step 3: Click on alt text button to save changes OR click on alt text button to cancel.

Edit Milestone & Event


To edit information of a created milestone & event.


Step 1: Go to alt text tab -> Click on ‘Edit’ alt text icon on the milestone & event you need to edit.

Step 2: Update necessary details of the milestone & event in below ‘Update Milestone & Event’ window.

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Step 3: Click on alt text button to save changes OR click on alt text button to cancel.

Remove Milestones & Event


Using this option, users can delete milestones or events which have been created previously.


Step 1: Go to alt text tab -> Click on ‘Remove’ alt text icon on the milestone & event you need to delete.

Step 2: Click alt text button to confirm the deletion OR click alt text to deny the action.

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Once the deletion is completed alt text message will be displayed at the bottom of the window.

View Information of Milestones & Events


To view the information of added milestone & event.


Step 1: Go to alt text tab -> Click on ‘View Information’ alt text icon on the milestone & event you need to view details.

Step 2: Using alt text tab of ‘Milestone & Event Details’ window, you can view the general details of milestone & event including details of last updated person.

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Using alt text tab, you can view the all users who have permission to view the milestone & event.

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By clicking on ‘View User Information’ alt text icon, you can view the user information of particular user you need as below.

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Filter Milestones & Events


Using this option, you can filter milestones or events by Severity/ Status or Date.

(a) Filter by Severity


Select the [Severity] option you need to filter from alt text dropdown as below. If you need to filter milestones or events of all severity levels, select ‘All Severity’ option.

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(b) Filter by Status


Select the [Status] you need to filter from alt text dropdown as below. If you need to view milestones or events of all status, select ‘All Status’ option.

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(c) Filter by Date


Select [From] and [To] date range you need to filter using alt text option.

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Manage Types of Milestones & Events


To create new milestones/ events type, edit types, view type details and to enable or disable existing milestones/ events types.


Go to alt text tab -> Click on alt text option to open the ‘Milestones & Events Types’ window.

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(a) Create new Milestone & Event Type


Step 1: Click on alt text option -> Click on alt text button.

Step 2: Enter [Name] and [Status] of the new milestone & event type in below ‘Create Milestone & Event Type’ window.

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Step 3: Click alt text button to save the new milestone & event type created OR click alt text button to cancel.

(b) Edit Milestone & Event Type


Step 1: Click on alt text option.

Step 2: Click on ‘Edit’ alt text icon in front of the [Type] you need to edit.

Step 3: Do necessary changes in the below ‘Update Milestone & Event Type’ window.

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Step 4: Click alt text button to save the changes OR click alt text button to cancel.

(c) View Milestone & Event Type Information


Step 1: Click on alt text option.

Step 2: Click on ‘View Information’ alt text icon in front of the [Type] you need to view type details and below ‘Milestone & Event Type Details’ window will appear.

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Step 3: Click alt text button to exit from the window.

(d) View Disabled Milestones & Event Types


Click on alt text option -> Select alt text option.

Export Milestones & Events


Using this option, you can export milestones & events into Excel/ CSV or iCalendar that can be viewed in Microsoft Outlook or in Google Calendar.


Step 1: Go to alt text tab -> Click on alt text button.

Step 2: Select the format you need to export milestones & events as below.

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Step 3: Do necessary changes in below ‘Export Milestones & Events’ window.

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Step 4: Click alt text button OR click alt text button to exit from the window.