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Notifications deliver messages about latest updates on everything related to OPPTIMO to a set of recipients according to their permission levels (user levels). Number of unread notifications will be displayed next to flag icon alt text.

alt text

Manage Notifications Settings

alt text


Step 1: Click on “Notifications” icon alt text
Step 2: Click on “Preferences” icon alt text to open “Update Notification Preferences” window.

Step 3: Select alt text or deselect alt text notification events you need to enable in “Update Notification Preferences” window.

To enable all notification events, select alt text option.

Note: Notification events visible in “Update Notification Preferences” window get changed according to user levels.

Step 4: Click on alt text button to save changes to notification preferences or click on alt text button to cancel changes and exit.

Notification Colour Codes:

alt text

Marking Viewed Notifications


Step 1: Click on “Notifications” icon alt text

Step 2: Click on alt text option on the relevant notification you need to mark as read

Note: To mark all notifications as read, click on alt text option in “Notification” window.

Deleting Notifications


Step 1: Click on “Notifications” icon alt text

Step 2: To delete only selected notifications, click on “Clear” icon alt text in-front of the selected notification and to delete all notifications, click on alt text option in “Notification” window.