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To-Dos & Notes


“To-Dos & Notes” module helps users to prioritize lists of all tasks that you need to carry out and manage notes about jobs. By maintaining proper To-Dos lists, users can avoid being feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do, forgetting important jobs and missing deadlines.


Main view -> Click on “To-Dos & Notes” tab

alt text

Add To-Dos & Notes


Step 1: Go to “To-Dos & Notes” -> Click on alt text

To add a To-Do

Step 2: Select < Item Type > as “To-Do”

alt text

To add a Note

Step 2: Select < Item Type > as “Note”

alt text

Step 3: Select the < Job >, < Type of Task > and from the left side panel of “Add To-Do” or “Add Note” window.


These To-Dos & Notes are only visible for the user who enters them. If you need to make visible to other users, select the user alt text option from the left side panel of “Add To-Do” or “Add Note” window.

If you need to make the To-Do or Note to users who worked in a job, select the job user alt text option from the left side panel of above window.

Step 4: Enter the < Title > of To-Do/ Note. (Maximum character length is 100)

Step 5: Type the < message >. (Maximum character length is 5000)

Step 6: To attach any file to To-Do/ Note, click on alt text button.

Step 7: Click on alt text button to save the record OR click on alt text to exit.

Pin & Unpin Comments

To pin a comment,


Go to “To-Dos & Notes” -> Click on “Pin” alt text icon of To-Dos or Note you need to pin.

To unpin a comment,


Go to “To-Dos & Notes” -> Click on “Unpin” alt text icon of To-Dos or Note you need to unpin.

Add a Comment on To-Do/Note


Step 1: Go to “To-Dos & Notes” -> Select To-Dos/ Notes or Pin tab

alt text

Step 2: Click on alt text option.

Step 3: Type the comment in < Message > text area. (Maximum character length is 5000)

Step 4: To attach any file to comment, click on alt text button.

Step 5: Click on alt text button.

Edit To-Do/ Note


Step 1: Go to “To-Dos & Notes” -> Select To-Dos/ Notes or Pin tab

Step 2: Click on alt text option.

alt text

Step 3: Click on alt text icon on the Note or To-Do you need to edit.

Step 4: Do the necessary modifications and enter the < Reason for Change >.

Step 5: To attach any file to To-Do/ Note, click on alt text button.

Step 6: Click on alt text button to save the record OR click on alt text to exit.

Delete To-Do/ Note


Step 1: Go to “To-Dos & Notes” -> Select To-Dos/ Notes or Pin tab

Step 2: Click on alt text option.

alt text

Step 3: Click on alt text icon on the Note or To-Do you need to delete.

Step 4: Click on “Yes” button to confirm the deletion in below “Confirm” pop-up box.

alt text

Note: Once you delete a To-Do or Note, it marked as deleted, but not deleting presently.

To-Dos Mark as Complete

Step 1: Main view -> Click on “To-Dos & Notes” tab.

alt text

Step 2: Tick the box to mark the To-Dos as complete alt text.

alt text


A notification will be sent to the related parties of the “To Dos”, regarding that to do was marked as “Complete”.

To-Dos Mark as Incomplete

Step 1: Main view -> Click on “To-Dos & Notes” tab.

alt text

Step 2: Untick the box to mark the To-Dos as incomplete alt text.

alt text


A notification will be sent to the related parties of the “To-Dos”, regarding that to do was marked as “Incomplete”.

Filter To-Dos & Notes by Jobs


Go to “To-Dos & Notes” -> Select the job from alt text drop-down list.

Search To-Dos & Notes by Title


Go to “To-Dos & Notes” Type title or part of title in alt text option -> Click on magnifying alt text icon to get results.

To reset filter, click on alt text button.

Note: Search results are generated according to job selected in alt text option.